So yesterday at church, my friend Jen's son Greyson or Devan gave Luke a pass along card of Christ. Luke was looking at it a lot and I started saying Jesus and he was repeating me. It was cool. He has been going up to the picture of Christ the past week and pointing at it. Today Scott was trying to calm them down and was holding Jayden at the picture of Christ and saying is that Jesus. We would say it over and over. I came into the living room and grabbed Luke and said the same thing. He was trying to talk and say stuff. Well he said Jesus and Scott heard it. It was so clear. It was amazing and cool. Then a little later we were all by the couch and chair and I said to him where is Jesus and he went to the wall where the picture is and pointed up and it and was trying to talk. They get so happy when we show them the picture. Sometimes what it takes to settle them down is going in front of the picture and saying that's Jesus. I am thinking about getting either a doll with a picture of Christ on it for them or doing a blanket for them with the picture. I just don't know if I could get them attached to it. Luke is super attached to froggy. He will hold other stuff at times to suck his thumb but prefers froggy. I want them to have something closer that they can touch to.
Well there is a little update on Luke since I did when Jayden started saying "t" for tv and peeze for please. Hope you enjoy! :)
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