Monday, March 16, 2009


I am so sick of being bored all the time. Not enough to do in the day it seems like. Play with the boys but can only deal with being stepped all over, hair pulled, and hit in the face for so long. Once my jogging stroller gets here I am going to start walking and hopefully jogging during the day. Can't do much upstairs b/c boys have to be downstairs and with walking and Luke climbing on the couch hard to leave to long.

PartyLite isn't going very good still. Had one good show then one cancel. I know I can't rely on PartyLite when we get to Utah so wishing I knew of something I could do from home so we won't have to do daycare. We are thinking I am going to have to get a job in Utah. We are planning on renting now instead of buying right away. That way since we aren't sure where his work will take us. He isn't completely sure what he wants to do. He is going to go to Salt Lake Community College to start out with.

Ugh I just wish I knew what type of work I would like to do for a career. I think I would like to own my own business of some sort, but don't know what. Want to be able to be with my family when I can and everything. I know I need to update pictures and will soon. I am not sure if anyone really reads this or not.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Hey! I just read all of your blog entries! Thanks for adding me to your following. It's crazy to see how far everyone has come since high school. I hope all is well with you!